What is Coaching?

Coaching is a co-creative process that helps you find out what you want and then helps you figure out exactly how you can make that happen for you in a way that works for you.

The coaching process is about creation. It is about turning possibilities into realities and it is about doing everything, at the speed, and pace that you want. It is about you. It is an offering to your future self. It is about being there, making an investment into your self care and happiness and figuring out who you are and what you actually want.

The Coaching Process

What can you use coaching for?

You can use coaching to make anything happen. If you want something to come into existence that is not yet in existence, you can use coaching for that. If you want to create something, which can mean anything from sustaining a habit, to writing a book, to building healthy boundaries, to soul searching. If you want change to happen, you can use coaching and the coaching process to bring about real, sustainable change, in your life.

Coaching is an integral part, coaching helps to provide accountability and structure but it also helps you figure out, as you move through the process what works for you, what is holding you back, what you like, what you don’t like.

The coaching part of the 100 Day Method is incredibly important. 100 Days is a great amount of time to create change because it allows it to be both gradual and powerful. It allows you to sustain change over the long term and to create meaningful change in your life and desired areas. Coaching helps you stay on track, it gives you accountability and the space to discover, hone, and execute new ways of being, leading to learning tools that will continue to help you in the long term. In whatever you do.


Coaching & the 100 Day project

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